Parent Masterclass for Tongue Ties, Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs)

Specifically for up to 6 months, we will be learning all about tongue ties, how they interfere with daily life activities and what can be done at home

"Everything you’ve shared has helped empower me to seek out the help my baby needs. We’ve been doing the exercises you recommend for neck tightness and tongue. I will say we’ve noticed so much progress in her. She’s rotating her head more and is becoming a pro at tummy time. We recently got her tongue tie release and being part of your seminar helped us make that decision. Thank you for taking the time to share your expertise with us. You’re doing an amazing work!"                    
                                                                                                                                                                               -E Villegas, mama of a tongue tied baby 

Giselle Tadros

As a pediatric PT, I have seen the benefit of early intervention, treatment and education for parents and the difference it can make in the overall development of a child. Now I'm on a mission to make sure all physical therapists understand this is a space where PTs need to be included.

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Parents Tongue and Lip Ties

$149 USD

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