Suck Training for Infants

Quick and Easy-to-Implement Techniques to help your baby relearn to suck!
Whether before and after a tongue tie revision, it is important to help a baby learn how to use the entire mouth properly to feed effectively. These exercises have helped thousands of babies learn to use the tongue! In this webinar, you will learn fun and gentle oral exercises to guide your baby to learn to suck consistently on a finger, breast or bottle. You will also have a chance to a ask question real time with Dr. Giselle Tadros and receive a handout and a link to a private YouTube channel.

Course Summary
In this webinar, you will learn how to systematically get your baby learning to suck by practicing my 5 simple tips.


Giselle Tadros

As a pediatric PT, I have seen the benefit of early intervention, treatment and education for parents and the difference it can make in the overall development of a child. Now I'm on a mission to make sure all physical therapists understand this is a space where PTs need to be included.

Shelby Moreno

Mom of a Tongue Tie Baby

After a day and a half of implementing the suck training exercises and using the Oball, my baby is sticking his tongue out past his lips for the first time!! It’s like he just discovered that he had one and now won’t stop doing it! Not only am I thankful for the straightforward exercises and practical ways that I can help him at home, I am also encouraged that I will see results if I practice, practice, practice! Thank you so much for doing what you do! 

Course Pricing

  • Suck training for Infants
  • $99 USD

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